Who we are

Hello! We are Self Agency, a consultancy specialising in awareness, education and change around neurodiversity.

People often don’t know where to start when it comes to neurodiversity - or else they’re afraid perhaps of using the wrong terminology or causing offence. This fear of straightforward dialogue locks people into boxes and prevents meaningful change.

To build an inclusive workplace or community, all neurotypes need to be accepted and supported. The neurodiversity model knows that valuing and nurturing brains that process things differently leads to a more inclusive, creative and productive environment.

Together we can:

Value every brain

Support every brain to reach its potential

We are progressive and brave

We know the current challenges of wellbeing in the workplace

Why we exist

We’re here because we’re passionate about switching the narrative and transforming labels into lives. We offer consultancy that helps you become a change-maker too. 

We want to shine a light on neurodiversity and ensure everyone has the tools to choose an inclusive approach. We seek to hold hands with and enable organisations to evolve their cultures. People with dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADHD, autism, OCD, Tourette syndrome, mental health illnesses and acquired neurodiversity (such as trauma) to name but a few, have a wealth of strengths to bring to our society. It’s high time they were recognised and valued. 

No one should feel like they must prove people wrong in order to succeed. By placing neurodiversity at the heart of what you do, you enable people both to be well and to lead more fulfilling lives. Your organisation can only benefit in terms of cultural evolution, as well as staff performance and retention levels. 

Devon yellow top

Why choose our neurodiverse consultancy agency?

Understanding what the best approaches and support are required to empower people with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, struggles with mental health and other brain types is still a grey area for many organisations and communities. 

Here are a few reasons why you can trust our neurodiversity and EDI consultants: 


We're in this to make a difference, not for the money.

We are experts in neurodiversity and EDI with lived and learned experience.

We are progressive and brave.

We know the current challenges of wellbeing in the workplace.

Devon in Lavender

A message from our founder

For me, equality isn’t treating everyone the same.
After all, we all have unique brains and ambitions.
It’s about removing barriers so that everyone has the chance to be equal. Neurodiversity is everybody.
I think we’re more at the point these days of examining what ‘neurotypical’ might mean! It’s about building environments that support everyone’s needs and goals.

As someone with ADHD and dyslexia, I know what it’s like to feel different. In the past, it hasn’t always been easy for me to fulfil my potential in work and educational settings, which had a profoundly negative effect on my self-esteem and wellbeing for quite
some time.

But those days are gone!

I’m so excited to share my journey, experience and knowledge with you. Here’s to building a brighter
future for the neurodivergent.

Devon Signature

Our mission

To help organisations build cultures where everyone belongs and where all differences are celebrated.

Devon bike park

Our vision

To make Bristol the neurodivergent capital of the UK.

Bristol colourful buildings

Our A B C D Values

Click + to learn more



We always want to learn more. More about neurodiversity. More about neurodivergent individuals. More about our clients’ businesses. An open attitude to listening and learning means we should all feel free to say exactly where we are now – and admit to mistakes made along the way - as well as talking freely where we want to get to. This honest approach is what we mean by being accountable. It’s the greatest foundation there is for building trust.



We want neurodivergent individuals to feel brave - and safe - enough to declare themselves and not have to hide, ‘pass’ or mask their true identity to fit with a predominant norm. And we want you, our clients, to be brave enough to have those conversations about difference with us - and especially with your team. It’s why we do ‘difficult conversation training’ - because we know being brave isn’t easy.



It pays to be curious. It’s the truest route to knowledge and creativity. We’re open, not prescriptive, in our curiosity. And we’re curious about you too! That’s why we have ‘discovery days’ with our clients as part of our Bespoke Workshops, where we find out about your business or enterprise before we make a single recommendation.



One of our most cherished aims is to celebrate the value of difference. This value isn’t only about having a generous and inclusive business culture, but about offering strategic gains too. Neurodivergent people make up around 20% of the population. Whatever your product, service or educational or charitable aim, if neurodivergent people take an active role in its gestation, it will speak to a wider target demographic too, effectively extending your market or audience reach.

Meet the team

Devon in colourful waiscoat

Devon Lowndes

Founder and Director

Smiling silver-haired lady wearing a gold and terracotta scarf

Hazel Lowndes


Brown dog sat in green grass


Director of Joy